
What does Burnout look like?

Burnout is much more serious than just being stressed. Burnout is a result of prolonged exposure to moderate to high stress. The intensity of the stress can speed up the process of burnout. Burnout can look similar to depression, which often results in misdiagnosis. Burnout can decrease career longevity, negatively impact physical and mental health, shorten the life-span, and contribute to poor quality of life.

Emotional Exhaustion

Some common signs of Emotional Exhaustion are:

-Physical fatigue -Low mood

-Easily distracted -Sleeping too much

-Appetite changes -Irritability


Once burnout has reached its threshold, it can feel like you are just going through the motions. Your passion for your work is depleted and it is now replaced with “getting through today.”

The joy you once had with your work is now gone and every task starts to feel like a chore.

Reduced Personal Accomplishment

Your career aspirations now feel out of reach. You start to question whether you are actually progressing at your job. You even start to question your own progress and thoughts such as “I feel stuck! It just doesn’t seem to get better. I don’t even know what to do next.”